
Russian language courses for foreigners в Астане

Russian language courses for foreigners

Understand real Russian conversation instantly – and speak Russian easily.
• Instantly Understand Real Conversations – Learn how you can instantly understand native speakers, including idioms and slang.
• Speak Very Fast – Learn how you speak Russian automatically and easily.
• Remember Vocabulary Easily – How you remember vocabulary words and use them in speech.
You can select from any of the following course types:
Conversation and Pronunciation,
General Russian,
Business Russian,
Academic Russian,
Writing (Business, Creative or Academic),
Medical Russian,
Courses through Skype.
The courses are designed by the trained and qualified Russian language specialist, a native Russian speaker with teaching experience and university qualification.
Don’t hesitate to call at: +7 7172 360234; +77011285511
e-mail: kinnanht@gmail.ru

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