
Russian Language in Astana в Астане

Hi, my name is Galiya.
Russian is my native Language. I'm a Certified Russian Language teacher. I graduated from State University in Almaty in 1984 and I was certified as a Teacher of Russian Language and Russian Literature. Since that time I have been teaching Russian. I have experience in individual tutoring of Russian Language to English speakers. I've been teaching Russian for foreign students for 11 years. I had students from England, USA, Canada, Germany, Singapore, Australia and many other countries. My English is rather good to explain Grammar. I work on 4 major areas: speaking, listening, reading and writing. All levels are welcome and available now via Skype:
Level 1. Russian for Beginners. Phonetics, Russian Alphabet, an introductory Lexical and Grammatical course.
Level 2. Russian for Intermediate. The Course, including Cases, verbs of Motion, Prefixed Verbs of Motion, Verb Aspects, Complex Sentences, Direct and Indirect Speech.
Level 3. Russian for Advanced. The Course, including Participial, Verbal Adverb Constructions.
Russian for Beginners contains Phonetics and Lexical materials and exercises, Russian for Intermediate and Russian for Advanced contain texts, Lexical and Grammar materials.
My teaching schedule is flexible. Offline language support – I supply study materials, exercises, grammar charts, audio and video files, etc. by e-mail.
I love Russian and I love teaching. If you are interested please email me sgv6206@gmail.com or visit http://russianeasy.ru

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